Study Habits (Of Various Students)
Maybe I’m the odd one out here, but I really reaaaaaallllllly don’t like studying. Unfortunately, it’s necessary. Since it’s necessary, I decided on this strategic plan years ago: I’m going to study as much as I can without actually *realizing* I’m studying. Sound strange?
Well, yeah, that’s the point.
Since I used to wake up early, like super early (though, that’s changed as of two years ago), I studied from 7, or 8AM, until 12PM (aka noon). After, I’d take a break until 7PM (because I will never sacrifice my day…never!), have dinner, and get back into the “zone”.
Then, I’d study until 11PM, or so.
It worked for me!
Now, since I sleep later (like at 2-3AM sometimes), I really enjoy the “night owl” life. Because I wake up later, I study from 9AM, or 10AM, until 2PM. After, I take a break until 8, or 8:30PM, have dinner, and, just like I did back in my “early morning” days, get back into the “zone”.
Every so often, I like to take a study “break” by enjoying a bowl of fruit (strawberries, apples, raspberries, apricots, or peaches). I can’t really listen to music like I used to back in MS (middle school) — I just can’t focus.
As I’ve grown older (wow, I am making myself sound ancient, and I am only 23), I’ve invested in a jar of earplugs that can be used for both studying, and sleeping.